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Dear Rosary Prayer
I have been blessed with some amazing help in my life and in gratitude to Our Lady of Fatima, decided a few years ago to give away free of charge rosaries which I make here in Fatima from natural seeds collected in town.
It would be an honor to send you a Rosary if you so desire and all I ask in return is that you include me in your prayers.
If you wish to take a picture holding the rosary and a note with the City and Country where the Rosary reached I would also appreciate it but not required.
If you plan to visit Fatima we can help you with accomodations.
Contact us for more details
Send me your request with the full address where I can ship to and I will be pleased to do so and thank you for helping me spread the Rosary.
See recent newspaper article: https://www.noticiasdefatima.pt/sociedade/joe-guerra-nao-ha-santo-sem-passado
DONATIONS - If you wish to help out in the production and delivery of the rosaries worldwide with any amount you can do it via Paypal to JSGUERRA7@GMAIL.COM.
Joe P Guerra
+351 926 606 165