domenica 22 maggio 2022

The Miraculous Rosary from Fatima

Dear Rosary Prayer

I have been blessed with some amazing help in my life and in gratitude to Our Lady of Fatima, decided a few years ago to give away free of charge rosaries which I make here in Fatima from natural seeds collected in town.

It would be an honor to send you a Rosary if you so desire and all I ask in return is that you include me in your prayers.

If you wish to take a picture holding the rosary and a note with the City and Country where the Rosary reached I would also appreciate it but not required.
Send me your request with the full address where I can ship to and I will be pleased to do so and thank you for helping me spread the Rosary.

DONATIONS: If you wish to help out in the production and delivery of the rosaries worldwide, with any amount you can, do it via Paypal to JSGUERRA7@GMAIL.COM.

Joe P Guerra
+351 926 606 165
Personal Email:
Campaign email:

Joe Guerra +351926606165

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